Sunday, August 13, 2017

"The Other Path"

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less frosty
And then regretted my choice,
For unlike the difference
His made for him, mine
Led me to terrible snare

You see, I encountered something there,
Brown and fuzzy and cute
As a button; but it liked
Not my scent and let loose a cry
And behind me,
Reared up, roared up unseen mama bear

I could not retreat to make the
Other choice, for fear gripped
My heart, wobbled my knees,
And stole my voice

He called it a yellow wood
Here too because my pee had pooled
Naught else but to utter a prayer:
"O Lord, I've nothing left
And soiled my underwear;
Perhaps an angel could come
And give a bigger scare?"

Time slowed and, rather than life flashing,
I found myself foolishly laughing
It occurred to me then, that were I
The cub, mama's fierce growl
Would invite me to cheer,
Inspire real hope,
Mangle my man-smell fear

She charged at him now
And I thought of her, "Wow!
She's got my back
And there's nothing I lack"
So I curled back up,
Returned to my nap:
Visions of honey
And dreams of fish,
Knowing that Mama
Had granted my wish

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