Tuesday, September 14, 2004


Apples appropriate abundant
and ample attitude
about all.

Brutality befits the best bridegroom
brandishing burning
branches to beat and batter.

Confucius claims configuration
cures colds, calamities.
Can Colbert come caress?

Do dogs doo-doo daily?
Desperation demands
dignified despotism.

Emasculate elephants
enrapture everything.
Ever eat Eskimo?

Fraudulent fiction foretells
future failure.
Forget it!

Goodness gracious
great globs of grease!
Grab a Gabel!

Hermann has high hopes.
His horse hits
hopping houseflies.

Iguanas imitating igloos.
Imagine it!
Ice over isosceles!

Justice just justifies
judicial gesticulations.
Just joking.


Love lingers longer.
Lately lethal.
Ludwig’s layover.

Mention mastication,
men meander

Nobody notices Norm.
Nerds never net

Oliver opines opinions.
Odious otters obliterate
other obstructions.

Personally, politicians
persist playfully.
Pulverize, pit-bull!

Quickly Quint!
Quit quelling queer
questions! What’s my cue?

Rose red
really reeks

Saturate smelly socks!
Sausage soon!
Smell spring—Someone Esquire

Triumphant truffles trouble
traveling troubadours.
Too true!

Usually undulating upstream,
upper understanding
undoes umbrellas.

Visual verification
verily vexes
voyeur vixens.

Words welcome wealth.
Wary wayfarers worry
‘way with wit.

X-ray X-men
x-tremely x-actly!
X-istence xylophone.

Youth yearns
yesterday’s Yule.
You’ll yet utilize.

Zany zebra
zaps zero zebu.
Zooming zigzags!

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